Church Safety - Level 1
This course teaches you how to be situationally aware so you know what harmful behaviors to look for in order to protect your church.
✔ Imagine someone walks into your church looking for a financial gift but you have to say sorry, no funds are available. This makes them angry towards you.
✔ And what about the church preschool? A father with a non-contact order comes in one day saying he is taking his son home when you know you can’t let him. When you tell him no he gets aggressive and starts shouting.
✔ It's Friday, you’re at the church alone when a man comes in acting suspiciously and disappears into the darkened worship center.
How do you respond to each of these circumstances?
Being proactive is what will keep you safe, and you need to know how to be proactive. This course will teach you how to handle stuff like this to determine:
“is the person seeking grace or has come with harmful intent”
Church Safety - Level 1 Is Perfect For You If You Are

New to Safety
Easy modules make learning simple, which means you'll finish in less than an hour.

Christ Centered
The course is biblically led so you learn through faith and respond through Christ.

On The Go
Mobile friendly so you can train on the go. Learn anytime, anywhere.
Hi, I'm Simon Osamoh, a church safety expert
The founder of Worship Security Academy. Former head of counterterrorism at Mall of America where I oversaw the internationally recognized behavior detection unit. In 2006 as a British detective, I worked with the British Security Services into the Liquid bomb terrorism plot that changed aviation security worldwide limiting the amount of liquids you can take on a plane.
Author of Securing Church Operations and Responding to Suspicious Behavior. I've been in security ministry for over a decade and trusted by some of the largest churches in the country like include Eagle Brook Church and Woodside Bible.
This course teaches you how to be situationally aware of danger so you know what harmful behaviors to look out for in order to protect your church.
We teach you how to improve your situational awareness in as little as one hour even if you are new to security ministry.
We call it... Being planned, prepared and ready to protect.

Module 1: Situational Awareness
Module one focuses on human behaviors so you can identify harmful intent which means you will know how and when to take action.

Module 2: Protection of Children
Module two teaches you what needs to be present for sexual abuse of a child so you can identify the warning signs which means you can take action to prevent abuse at your church.

Module 3: Run Hide Fight
Module three teaches you the mantra of run, hide, fight so you can recognize when to use each stage of the process which means you will have a better opportunity to keep yourself safe.

Module 4: Conflict De-escalation
Module four teaches conflict descalation so that you know how to apply a variety of techniques which means you will be able to deescalate people in crisis.

Zach Wright
Woodside Bible Church - Michigan
"As the safety coordinator for a multi-site church with hundreds of volunteers we require them to go through this training at onboarding"

Don Rheinhart
Christ Family Church - Iowa
"I mastered my situational awareness and then shared it with others"

Bill Bakken
St Andrews Lutheran Church - Minnesota
"What I liked about the church safety 101 class is that it provided real life practical experience that I could implement right away"
You May Still Be Asking Is This For Me?
This is for you if you are looking to learn how to spot harmful behaviors before they escalate so you can take action and keep your church safe.
This is for you if you are:
✔ Member of Church staff
✔ A Church volunteer
✔ Work with children
✔ Outreach worker
✔ Congregation member wanting to stay safe
✔ Work at a Christian based Non Profit
The course will give you:
✔ Biblically based security teaching so you can respond through faith
✔ Situational awareness so you know when to take action
✔ Bite sized training so you can study in less time
✔ Empowerment to take action so you can prevent security incidents
Here's What's Waiting For You On The Inside
Click a video to preview exclusive content from the course!
Situational Awareness
What are some of those common statements we hear about church safety?
Run Hide Fight
What does it mean when are building is unsafe and how do we respond?
Verbal De-escalation
How easy is it to hold space and demonstrate effective listening skills?
Ready To Improve Your Awareness To Stay Safe?
TAKE THE COURSEChurch Safety - Level 1
✔ 12 Months Course Access
✔ Situational Awareness
✔ Child Safety
✔ Run Hide Fight
✔ Conflict Deescalation
✔ Certificate of Completion
Hi, I'm Simon Osamoh, A Church Safety Expert
I'm the founder of Worship Security Academy, a Christian, British American with over a decade of experience supporting churches on how to stay safe.
I'm former Head of Counterterrorism at Mall of America, Minnesota and spent 14 years as a Detective in England working serious and organized crime.
The Lord called me into security ministry around a decade ago. I was on my way back presenting at a sports conference to the heads of the NHL, NFL, NBA in Disney World, when a police department asked me to speak at a church on security.
I learned two things that day, first the Lord called me to help His churches and second there was a real need for biblically based security training.
Since that day I’ve helped hundreds of churches across America and written two books on the subject Securing Church Operations and Church Safety Responding to Suspicious Behavior.
I’ll personally teach you the church safety 101 class!