8 Essential Safety Tips to Secure Your Church for the Holidays Dec 13, 2023

Discover 8 essential tips for church safety this holiday season in our latest video. We cover everything from building security to emergency planning. Here's what you'll learn:

1. Assess building security

2. Monitor parking lots

3. Evaluate security staffing

4. Implement emergency operations...

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Church Security: Are We Blinded By Security Technology Dec 13, 2023

Are we blinded by security technology in our church safety and security programs, lets explore!



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Maine Mass Shooting: Gun Violence Caused by Mental Health Crisis Dec 13, 2023

I believe the Maine mass shooter's actions stem from mental illness, not gun issues, highlighting our failure to address mental health adequately in America. Let's dive in!



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Church Security - Pastors Son Shot By His Own Gun Dec 13, 2023

In this video, I delve into a tragic incident at River Valley Baptist Church where a pastor's 3-year-old son accidentally shot his younger brother in the parking lot. By the end of this video you will learn:

1. The paramount importance of gun safety, especially around children.

2. How...

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Church Security Q&A Dec 13, 2023

I asked about the challenges you're facing in your church's safety and security journey, and you responded. Based on 10 questions from my Facebook group, I'll offer insights on each. Let's dive in!



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Attorney General: Increase In Reported Threats To Houses of Worship Amid Israel-Hamas War Dec 13, 2023

Attorney General Merrick Garland emphasizes: 'The Justice Department is committed to protecting Americans from terrorism amid ongoing conflicts.



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FBI Director Warns Of Increase In Reported Threats Since Hamas Attack On Israel Dec 13, 2023

In remarks to the International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference in San Diego, California yesterday, FBI Director Christopher Wray spoke about the Bureau and possible threats to the U.S.



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Hezbollah and Hamas Risk To American Churches?? 6 Strategies To Keep Your Church Safe Dec 13, 2023

In today's episode, we'll unravel the complex web of global politics and its impact on our local communities. As houses of worship in the U.S. grapple with the ripple effects of international tensions, understanding the backstory and implementing safety measures become paramount. Here's what...

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Church Shooting Thwarted in Virginia Dec 13, 2023

Breaking News: Planned Attack on Park Valley Church Avoided!



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How To Secure Your Church - Conference Recap Dec 13, 2023

In this episode, we explore key takeaways from the 8th Annual Securing Your Place of Worship conference, shedding light on varied aspects like transformative leadership, crisis preparedness, and financial safeguarding within church security. We will uncover strategies for preventing mass...

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A Town Called Sutherland Springs with Stephen Willeford the Barefoot Defender Dec 13, 2023

In today's video, I discuss Stephen Willeford's new book, which recounts his perspective on the 2017 Sutherland Springs church shooting, where he emerged as a hero.



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